Wandering the streets & alleyways of Strathcona (Vancouver's oldest residential neighbourhood, and one of its most diverse) is about all the exercise I get these days. Here are some pics.
and I follow tonight. Won't post for a couple of weeks. Hope to return in time to resume the gosling watch (unless the Parks Dep't has addled the eggs).
Just shifting the furniture a little bit. The pair of Canada geese nesting at the Sun Yat Sen Gardens are holding up pretty well. Mama's still sitting on the eggs; Papa's her occasional protector; the tourists by and large don't even notice the nest. Today's excitement was an escaped bunny.
Some people never learn, except some of them are geese. The resident Canada geese at the Gardens are nesting in the same spot as last year, out in the middle of everything. They're working a little harder this year to keep people away from the nest. That's a hissing gander in the background below.