Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Still Life

From Afoot in Strathcona

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Friday, January 16, 2009

It's Amazing How Much Fun You Can Have

with a long lens and a bag of birdseed.


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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens

One thing I miss about life in New York, unbelievably, is the commute. The hour or so a day I spent getting to work and back again was somehow uniquely mine -- not part of work or home, Manhattan or Brooklyn; reduced to what fit in a subway car & weirdly contemplative. Working at home muddies the waters. And also, I admit, I'm not that good at enforcing boundaries. Work has a tendency to leak beyond the theoretical end of my day.

Enter the Gardens. Every day that I can, I walk down to the gardens after work, and spend a half hour or so not working & not being home. The public gardens are beautiful, and the paid gardens spectacular. And although the single admission price is a bit hefty (poor tourists), garden membership is the best deal in Vancouver -- $35 dollars for a family for a year. Here are some photos. You can see full-size pix by clicking on the slideshow.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Snow Day

You gotta love a snow day.

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